A VMV Mother’s Day Tribute: #MomSavedMySkin

Mothers are heroes and they’ve saved us in more ways than you can count. We asked VMV Hypoallergenics moms and daughters how their moms saved their skins. These are some of their “skinsights”!

MDT Marie Julie One
Photo courtesy of Marie-Julie Ona.

Marie-Julie Ona

What beauty and skincare tip has your mom given you?
Don’t forget to moisturize your neck, décolleté and hands as well!

What is one piece of beauty advice you would like to pass on to your daughter?
There are so many things I want to tell my daughter. Makeup is just a fun way to celebrate your moods. But don’t wear too much of it — it’ll make you look older!

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Photo courtesy of Kristen Bechara

Kristen Bechara

What is one piece of beauty advice you would like to pass on to your daughter?
I haven’t been able to have any beauty talks with my daughter yet, but when she is old enough I hope she will be comfortable in her skin. And love herself flaws and all. For more practical advice, I’ll teach her to read labels for any product she is putting on (or in) her body. It’s important to know about your skincare, as skin is your body’s largest organ! 

Which VMV products have saved your skin?
For me personally, I think the Essence Antiperspirant is amazing and really has no competitor or substitute. I also use Red Better for my rosacea. My kids use only VMV products since birth: Clark Wash/Grandma Minnie shampoo, Lotion, Know-It-Oil.
Carolina Nicole 1
Photo courtesy of Nicole Fandiño.

 Nicole Fandiño

What is one piece of beauty advice you would like to pass on to your daughter?
Take good care of your skin. Tans fade, wrinkles don’t. 😉

Which VMV products have saved your skin?
Armada is <3.
Photo courtesy of Yuba Reichard.

Yuba Reichard

What is one piece of beauty advice you would like to pass on to your daughter?
You are perfect just the way you are and to start taking care of your skin from an early age.
Which VMV products have saved your skin?
The Id Monolaurin Gel for acne and breakouts.
Rocio Joanna
Photo courtesy of Rocio Duarte.

Rocio Duarte on mom, Joanna Duarte

How has your mom saved your skin?
She was the one who encouraged me to start taking care of it. Without her, my skin would be a lot worse off than it is now.
What is one beauty or skincare tip your mom has given you?
Pretty basic, but she made it a habit for me to have a solid and effective routine. It doesn’t have to be complex — just cleansing and toning (and occasionally exfoliating) works for me.
Do you have any VMV products you share with your mom?
We share the Superskin 2 Toner. Actually, that was the very first product she told me to use when I first began taking care of my skin!
Photo courtesy of Mireya Vazquez-Prada.

Mireya Vazquez-Prada on mom, Tina Ansaldo-Cruz

How has your mom saved your skin?
My mom can handle any situation with confidence and ease. When things go wrong, I usually have a “What would mom do?” moment and that’s usually enough to pull me through.
What is one beauty or skincare tip your mom has given you?
Less is more. Once you find a routine that works for you, strip it down to the essentials. My mom’s philosophy is that the best makeup routine is a good skincare routine, and I’m starting to love the natural look more and more. Also: drink loads of water! It’s so easy to forget that some of the most important care happens under your skin, not on top of it.
Do you have any VMV products you share with your mom?
While I am a sun worshipper and my mom is definitely not, we completely agree that Armada sunscreens are absolutely essential. They are products I’ve literally grown up with — from Armada Baby to Armada Sport and now the classic — and become our gold standard for sun protection. You’ll also find us using id monolaurin gel all the time. It’s the absolute best for spots and sweat acne.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, and to all those who mother. We straight-up LOVE you and wish you a day of pure “skindulgence”!



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