Our Missing Ingredient … is still missing šŸ˜¢

If you’re a Re-Everything or Illuminants user like I am (I use both!), we know how how much you miss them. While weā€™re finally (slowly but surely) getting stocks back for some other products, weā€™ve received news that these favorite rejuvenation and hyperpigmentation lines will take much longer to get back to our shelves.

As many of you know all too painfully, our stocks have been very affected by the pandemic and its aftermath (I got into this in more detail in an earlier letter). Sadly, an important supplier of a key raw material used a both Re-Everything and Illuminants was another casualty of these difficult times. While we have been searching for a replacement that meets our requirements, we have so far been unsuccessful.

We have very specific requirements (for purity, concentrations of actives, lack of allergens in the raw material, compatibility with our other ingredients and packaging, etc.) that can make ingredient sourcing challenging. The rarity of a replacement that meets the requirements for this particular ingredient ā€” these lines are active treatments so we need actives that are both very effective AND very safe ā€” is the main reason behind these linesā€™ prolonged hiatus.

We are continuing the hunt AND exploring possible alternatives. We have zero intention of discontinuing these brilliant lines! In the meantime, we can recommend some excellent stand-ins that provide proven keratolytic (micro-exfoliant), deeply hydrating, and barrier repairing care:

  • Superskin Toners: Mandelic Acid is a well-proven, multifunctional AHA thatā€™s less irritating than most but comparable in efficacy to industry standards like glycolic acid and retinoic acid. It is also effective for hyperpigmentations (and even acne ā€” it’s quite an impressive active). You can learn more about mandelic acid here. I used Superskin 3 when I was younger and my skin was oilier but now find Superskin 2 a better fit for my drier skin. The cleansers and moisturizers in this line have been bestsellers for over 30 years, so they’ll “dew” very well by you, too!
  • Add virgin coconut oil (Know-It-Oil or Oilā€™s Well) for deeper moisturization plus some barrier repair ā€” both crucial for rejuvenation. The anti-inflammatory effect is also important for aging and pigmentation issues.
  • Virgin coconut oil and Boo-Boo Balm are also great options on the delicate skin around the eyes. Boo-Boo Balm features VCO’s benefits plus more anti-inflammatory, soothing care with monolaurin, and elevated barrier care with petrolatum.
  • Top everything off with Stay-On-Point (if youā€™re in the USA) for barrier and visible light care or an Armada sun and light screen (other countries). I actually apply the VCO after Stay-On-Point or Post-Procedure because I find it helps me spread the protector better

We miss Re-Everything and Illuminants tremendously and know how many of you rely on them, too. We promise to keep at it and will let you know (LOUDLY!) as soon as stocks are back!

Weā€™re all here for any questions that you might have:

Thank you again for your patience during these difficult times. We stand with you and are committed to you.


DrVRLVB Jun2019 20200815

LauraĀ is ourĀ ā€œdewā€-good CEO atĀ VMV HypoallergenicsĀ and eldest daughter of VMVā€™sĀ founding dermatologist-dermatopathologist. She has two children, Madison and Gavin, and works at VMV with her sister CC and husband Juan Pablo (Madison and Gavin frequently volunteer theirĀ ā€œusage testingā€ services). In addition to saving the worldā€™s skin, LauraĀ is passionate about health, inclusion, cultural theory, human rights,Ā happiness, and spreading goodness (like a VMV cream!)



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