We’re Sorry We Can’t (Yet) Complete You!

We sincerely apologize that our stocks have been so unavailable. In a (coco)nutshell, it’s been brutal.

As with so many small businesses, the pandemic hit us hard and in more ways than what might initially be obvious because, while many cosmetic companies outsource their manufacturing, we produce our formulations. Covid didn’t just shut down our retail operations but our manufacturing facilities, too. Every step in our supply chain continues to be affected: from our partners who provide us with raw materials and packaging, to our warehousing and shipping partners who juggle port congestion, the global supply chain crises (plural), and their own employees’ health.

Every change adds a layer of complexity, such as our US fulfillment partner needing to migrate to an entirely new location — on short notice and in the middle of a pandemic. This has affected our ability to serve orders on time and we ask for patience as they, and we, work through this transition together.

We have made important changes that will help us function more efficiently in this new, more uncertain reality. But for now, stocks are very much in a state of flux, which we greatly regret. And after two years of plans made irrelevant by new virus variants, we regret even more that we cannot say with any real degree of certainty when they will normalize. I can guarantee that there is NOTHING else that we’re concentrating on more than stocks. Our only priorities this year are stocks, resources management, and our people.

We have put some things in place to try to help us and our beloved skinthusiasts navigate these uncertain conditions:

  • Expanding our manufacturing processes so that we can make smaller or bigger batches, depending on what our suppliers have available at a given time;
  • Educating customers on ways to use available products for different needs (many of our products have always been multifunctional);
  • Providing a new stock-alert function online;
  • Selling products in states we wouldn’t normally (see my other letter on our “Function First” program, such as in a bent box or no box at all or a cream that is at the edge of our acceptable parameters (always safe and tested to function as expected, of course);
  • Loud and fast and voluminous announcements of available stocks (make sure you’re subscribed to our e-newsletter at vmvhypoallergenics.com (USA and other countries) and vmvhypoallergenics.ph (the Philippines) and to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media!);
  • More direct assistance via Facebook Messenger, Viber, and other chat options.

We’re here as you need us! For any questions about skin or our products (or even just for a chat!), send us a message on Instagram or Facebook. Many of you have already met Cheilo, who heads our customer support, and I’m part of our customer support team (I’m also happy to help as best I can on Instagram @LauraAtVMV). You can also reach Catherine or Laura L. at (212) 217 2762. In the Philippines, you can reach us more directly at Viber for VMV and the VMV Skin Research Clinic (VSRC).

It will continue to be a bumpy road but we’ve got a gel for that. Or we will when stocks are back! All this uncertainty and the rise in covid-related and infection-prevention skin issues has only strengthened our commitment to providing you with the Safest, Most (Proven!) Effective Care On The Planet.

THANK YOU for your continued patronage. Because many of you NEED our products, we do not take your patience with our shortcomings lightly. We know how lucky we are to have you as clients and promise that nothing is a higher priority than getting you stocks of your favorite products as quickly as we can.


DrVRLVB Jun2019 20200815

Laura is our “dew”-good CEO at VMV Hypoallergenics and eldest daughter of VMV’s founding dermatologist-dermatopathologist. She has two children, Madison and Gavin, and works at VMV with her sister CC and husband Juan Pablo (Madison and Gavin frequently volunteer their “usage testing” services). In addition to saving the world’s skin, Laura is passionate about health, inclusion, cultural theory, human rights, happiness, and spreading goodness (like a VMV cream!)



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