Sunscreen isn’t a summer thing.
It’s as daily a must as brushing your teeth: both help you look great and prevent serious damage!
You’re not out frolicking in the sun? It’s important to remember that sun damage is cumulative — every bit of exposure adds up. Your skin doesn’t “reset” when you’re back in the shade (and UVA is present on cloudy days). The little bit of sun you’re exposed to when walking from the arrival terminal to your car, or crossing the street for your morning latte, adds to whatever damage occurred while beach baking last year (it’s why a bad sunburn in childhood can increase the risk of melanoma…the risk doubles, on average, with more than five sunburns). Applying sunscreen every day ensures you’re protected from accidental exposure.
This lamp could be causing your melasma.
Indoor lights, including LEDs, emit visible light, which is proven to cause melasma (dark blotches and “stains.”) Of additional concern are compact fluorescent lights which can leak UVC, a more dangerous light ray than UVA or UVB that we’re usually shielded from by the earth’s atmosphere.
Halogen bulbs, besides being energy inefficient emit heat — and infrared rays also cause skin damage, which is why you can get melasma from saunas and from cooking, too!
Our indoor-outdoor Armada Sun & Light Screens are tested specifically for indoor light protection, as well as outdoor sun exposure.
Skintangible “BBBB” (BB But Better) Cream and Skin Savvy Foundations provide indoor-outdoor sun & light protection.
Our eyes and brains aren’t the only organs that suffer from hours of computer use. Screens produce visible light — enough to elicit a photo-allergic reaction in very photosensitive people!
“My #skin#favorites…Skintangible for everyday, lightweight protection and Skin Savvy for days when I want more coverage.” @mickijosue
If you sit by a window in the office, or drive or take the bus to work, you’re getting UVA. Windows block out UVB, but not UVA, which is just as damaging. Both can cause skin cancer and UVA can cause immuno-suppression disorders and other health problems. And yes, UVA causes dark spots, roughness, wrinkles and other photo-aging.
Armada formulations have antioxidant and moisturizing properties, making them easy to use every day.